Rugby league gameplay

Like most forms of modern football, rugby league football is played outdoors on a rectangular grass field with goals at each end that are to be attacked and defended by two opposing teams. The rules of rugby league have changed significantly over the decades since rugby football split into the league and union codes. This article details the modern form of the game and how it is generally played today, however rules do vary slightly between specific competitions.




A game of rugby league consists of two forty-minute halves, played by two teams on a rectangular grass field of 120 metres in length and 58–68 meters in width depending on the individual ground. In the middle of the field is the 50 metre "halfway" line. Each side of the field, on either side of the 50 metre line, is identical. 10 metres from the 50 metre line is the 40 metre line, followed by the 30, 20, 10 metre and goal or 'try' lines. This makes up 100 metres of field that is used for general play.

At the middle of each goal line is a set of goal posts in the shape of the letter 'H', used for point scoring from kicks (drop goals, penalty goals and conversions). Six to twelve metres beyond each goal-line is the dead ball line. The area between these two lines is called the in-goal area, and varies from field to field.

The dead ball lines and the touch-lines (side lines) make up the boundary of the field of play. If the ball (or any part of the body of a player in possession of the ball) touches the ground on or beyond any of these lines, the ball is said to be dead and play must be restarted.


Players of rugby league all need to be particularly physically fit and tough because of the game's fast pace and the expansive size of the playing-field as well as the inherently rough physical contact involved. Depending on his exact role or position, a player's size, strength and/or speed can provide different advantages (or disadvantages). Effective teamwork is also extremely important as all players must work in concert with each other if they're to be successful.

Mode of play

After a coin toss with the two captains and referee, the winner elects to either kick off or receive the kick off and chooses which end of the field to attack for the first half (the ends changing over after the half-time break). Play commences once the ball has been kicked off from the ground in the centre of the field by one team to the other. The longer the kick, the more advantageous, as this forces the team receiving the ball to return it from deeper within their own territory. However a kick that is too long or misdirected and goes out of the field of play without first bouncing in it results in a penalty being awarded to the non-kicking team.

Each team is responsible for defending their end of the field, and they take turns throughout a game at defending and attacking. At half-time (the 40th minute of the game), the teams have a 10 minute break, then swap ends before resuming play.

The team with possession of the football is the attacking team. The primary aim of the attacking team is to 'work' the ball out from their own end of the field, into a more favourable position towards the opposition's end, and score a try by grounding the ball in the opposition's in-goal area or on the goal line. In some circumstances the attacking team may opt to kick a one-point drop goal instead of attempting to score a try. Scoring will at least involve first gaining field position and, in the case of scoring a try, will almost certainly involve breaking the opposition's defensive line.

The objective of the defensive side is to prevent the attacking side from scoring and obtaining their shorter term objectives. The defensive team carries out these objectives by:

Favourable field position is an important aim in rugby league, a goal present in the minds of players at almost all times. Possession of the ball is the primary aim of each team. When in possession the aim is to maintain possession and score by running in packs and trying to minimise ball-handling errors and penalties conceded (which always result in a changeover of possession). When not in possession the aim is to prevent the opposition from scoring, prevent or reduce the incidence of the opposition carrying the ball forward, and ultimately to gain possession of the ball.

Point scoring

There are three ways to score points in rugby league: tries and conversions, penalty goals and drop goals.

Change in scoring values over time[1][2]
Period Try Conversion Penalty Drop goal Field goal Goal from mark
1895—1897 3 2 3 4 4 4
1897—1922 3 2 2 2 2 2
1922—1950 3 2 2 2 2 -
1950—1971 3 2 2 2 - -
1971—1983 3 2 2 1 - -
1983—YYYY 4 2 2 1 - -


Players on the team with possession may pass the ball to one another while trying to reach the opposition's end of the field. A player may only pass the ball behind him, or across the field parallel to the goal line. Therefore the rest of the players on the team in possession must ensure that they are 'on-side', and in a position to legally receive the ball by staying behind or in-line with the passer. A pass deemed to have propelled the ball forward is called a 'forward pass' and results in an immediate halt to play and changeover of possession. Passes are also susceptible to interception by enterprising players on the defensive team who anticipate the pass and rush up to catch it, winning possession for their team.


The defensive team tries to stop the attacking team from scoring by tackling the player with the ball as quickly as possible to prevent him gaining more ground. A tackle forces a halt in play for as long as it takes the tackled player to return to his feet and play the ball. In that time, the defending team, with the exception of two markers, must move back a minimum of 10 metres towards their end of the field. The attacking team restarts play and continues with its next chance to score via the play-the-ball. After each tackle the attacking team should be closer to their opposition's end of the field.

Six tackle rule

An attacking team has a set of six 'chances' to score, often referred to as 'six tackles'. The referee keeps track of how many tackles have been performed in each set of six. Some referees choose to shout the number of tackles (to avoid any players' confusion as to what point in the tackle count it is); however, this is not a requirement. When a side has used five tackles, the referee signals "fifth tackle" by raising an arm above his head with fingers spread, indicating that five of the tackles in the set have taken place and the next tackle will be the last.

If a sixth tackle is made, a change-over takes place, where the attacking team hands the ball to the defending team at the point on the field where the tackle was made. The defending team, having gained possession then plays the ball and starts its assault on the opposition's end of the field. This, however, is uncommon, and sixth tackles are usually avoided by the attacking team who will more likely opt to kick the ball onwards after the fifth tackle in either a last-ditch attempt to score, or to force the opposition to start their next set of six tackles as far back in their half of the field as possible.

An attacking team may also have seven chances to score in a special circumstance, governed by the zero tackle rule.


Play-the-ball is used to restart play in various instances during a game, but most-commonly immediately following a tackle. The act of the play-the-ball is sometimes referred to simply as 'playing the ball'. To return the ball to play correctly, the tackled player must:

  1. have stopped forward progress (i.e., been tackled);
  2. have both feet on the ground;
  3. place the ball on the ground in front of one foot and;
  4. roll the ball backwards by use of the boot.

From the moment the ball is rolled back by the tackled player's boot, the next phase of play begins. The 'dummy half' is the term used to refer to the player who then picks up the ball and resumes his team's attack.

The ruck is located between the player playing-the-ball and the defending marker.[3] The ruck exists during the time between a tackle being completed and the subsequent play-the-ball being completed.[4] The ball cannot be interfered with by a defending player whilst it is in the ruck, otherwise a penalty will be issued against that player's team. A penalty is also issued against the attacking team if the player responsible for playing the ball, does not play it correctly. Many penalties in rugby league occur in and around the ruck.

Miscellaneous rules


Following a completed tackle, all but two of the defending team must retreat at least ten metres from the point at which the tackle is made. This distance is marked by the referee. Following the play-the-ball, defenders are permitted to advance in order to try to put pressure on the attackers and to reduce the distance they can make with the ball. If a defender who has failed to retreat 10 metres interferes with play, then he will be deemed to have been offside and this will result in a penalty to the attacking team. Equally, if a defender advances too quickly before the ball is played, then this will also result in a penalty to the attackers.

Knock on

If at any time the ball is dropped forwards by an attacker and hits the ground or another player, this constitutes a knock on and possession will be turned over. The only exception is if a player is performing a drop-kick. If the ball is dropped in a backwards motion, this will not be ruled as a knock-on. Equally, if a player fumbles the ball but manages to regather it before it hits the ground, an opponent or teammate, then play will be allowed to continue.


The scrum is formed by the 'front row' forwards of each side locking together, and 'packing down' to push against each other. The 'second row' forwards pack in behind the front rows, and the loose forward join the scrum at the back. The ball is "fed" through the legs of one of the props by the halfback, who normally then retrieves it again from the back of the scrum.

The scrum was traditionally used as a mechanism where the two teams compete for possession of the football; however this has since changed with the introduction of fair, but uncontested[5] scrums, where the ball is fed into the second row, instead of the first, all but eliminating an effective competition for the ball. Because of these changes the scrum serves to simply remove the forwards from the play for a period, thus creating more space for the backs to attack the depleted defensive line. This is intended to give advantage to the side that is awarded the scrum. It is very rare (but not completely unknown) for a team to win possession of the ball, despite not having the feed.

A scrum can be awarded following a forward pass, knock on or the ball going over the sideline and into touch.

Zero tackle rule

If the defending team 'knocks on' or touches the ball when it's in the air, and the ball is immediately regathered by the attacking team, the referee may elect to re-start the tackle count in lieu of awarding a scrum; known as the zero tackle rule because the next tackle is counted as 'tackle zero' and not the usual 'tackle one'. The zero tackle rule cannot be used in a set that was started by the zero tackle rule. On awarding the zero tackle rule, the referee will shout "Back to zero!" or "Six again", and wave one arm over his head with fingers clenched into a fist, indicating the attacking side's next tackle is tackle zero.


During the play-the-ball it is customary for a player from the defending team to stand directly in front of the player playing the ball, called the marker. If no marker is present, the tackled player may tap the ball on his boot to start the next play, instead of the normally required play-the-ball. As the tap is faster to perform than the play-the-ball, giving great advantage to the attack, there is almost always a marker. Usually the person who tackled the player becomes a marker because he is the closest to the tackled player. There may be a maximum of two markers for each play-the-ball, the second standing behind the first.

The marker(s) must stand directly in front of the tackled player; not doing so will result in a penalty. A marker must also not move towards the ball until the play-the-ball has been completed, otherwise he will be penalised.

40-20 kick

The 40-20 rule was introduced by the ARL in Australia in 1997 to further reward accurate kicking in general play. It has since been adopted in Britain as well. A 40-20 kick must be both accurate and long. For a successful 40-20:

The team that kicked is awarded the scrum feed from the point that the ball left the field. Before the 40-20 rule, the non-kicking team would have otherwise been awarded the scrum feed. As Rugby League scrums are currently uncontested and almost always won by the team with the feed, the kicking team moves at least 40 metres forward while retaining possession with a renewed set of six tackles after a successful 40-20.

Goal-line drop-outs

If the player in possession of the ball is tackled behind their own goal line, or plays the ball over their own dead-ball line, their team is obliged to perform a drop-kick from between their own goal posts. This kick must travel over the 10-metre line before it is touched by either team. The goal line drop-out usually gives possession back to the opposing team.

The drop-kicking team might attempt to gain possession by executing a short kick and have their players attempt to reach the ball before the other team does, but this carries the risk that the other team could gain possession very close to the try-line. The drop-kicking team might also attempt to gain possession by kicking the ball so that it bounces before going into touch, in that event they would be awarded head and feed at the resulting scrum.

This rule is similar to the safety rule in American football. Unlike the safety rule, however, no points are awarded for tackling a player behind his goal line.


The defensive team and attacking team carry out any number of tactics, within the rules, to achieve their short term and ultimately long term objectives. The tactics below are a basic guide to how the game is typically played. On occasions, enterprising teams may choose to deviate from the typical tactics in order to surprise their opponents.

Attacking tactics

Improving field position

Field position is crucial in rugby league.[6]

Ball running

Usually when inside their own half of the field, an attacking team will use low-risk plays to attempt to gain metres while avoiding turning over possession.

Also known as a drive, this is the act of taking a pass from the dummy-half and running straight into the opposition's defensive line without looking to pass. Hit-ups are usually employed to gain low-risk metres early in the tackle-count, but a good hit-up can also result in a breach of the defensive line. It also tires defenders, who have to stop an on-rushing opponent by putting their bodies on the line. Defending players may be drawn in towards the player hitting the ball up in an effort to make a tackle, possibly leaving other parts of the defensive line weakened for other attackers should the ball-carrier manage to off-load the ball to a teammate. Forwards are usually used for taking hit-ups because of their greater size (often over 100 kg) and strength, although most players on a team will take some hit-ups during a match. Most sets of 6 usually involve at least one hit-up in order to build a position to attack from. A set of five hit-ups and a kick is known as one-out rugby, and is usually employed by teams that are struggling to make metres in attack.

Dummy-half Scoot An alternative to a hit-up is for the player in the dummy-half position to run the ball himself, without passing. This is often performed by quicker players as they are able to round the markers and make ground for their side. Some teams use repeated dummy-half scoots with the intention of playing the ball quickly and catching defenders before they are able to properly position themselves. This is known as quick ball or 'getting a roll on'.


Breaching the defence

In addition to trying to break the defensive line with the sheer force of a hit-up, players attempt to breach the opposing team's defence through combinations of plays, utilising speed, passing and/or kicking.

Ball Running

Defensive tactics

When a side is defending they must prevent metres lost. They must defend against ball runners and kickers.

Defending against ball running

Preventing metres lost
Preventing line breaks

Defending players aim to spread across the field in a single line and stop the attacking players from breaking this line. The 'Slide Defence' and the 'Umbrella Defence' tactics aim to curb the amount of breaks in the line.

Defending against kicks

An attacking side may kick the ball through or over the defensive line of players. The defence must defend against kicks in the normal field of play and in the in-goal area.

Defending the field of play
Defending the in-goal area

Turning defence into attack

It is commonly said that the best form of defence is attack. A defensive team in rugby league can gain possession of the ball at any stage during an attacking teams set.


Late in the tackle count the attacking side will start to think defensively in anticipation of a handover,[7] also known as a changeover or turnover. That is, whilst most kicks performed at this time will be primarily for attacking purposes, there is always a defensive element to consider. The attacking team uses these tactics to put themselves in the better defensive position when their set of six ends at the 'change over'.

The attacking team uses the bomb in attack, but this attack can quickly turn to defensive if the bomb is fielded by the opposition team. Therefore there is a defensive element in deciding whether to kick a bomb. A bomb is useful defensively because even if it is fielded by the opposition, it is still useful in giving the kicking team ample time to get as close as possible to the player with the ball which allows the kicking team to prevent the opposing team from making too much ground towards their in goal area.

At the end of an attacking team's set of six, the attacking team may wish to kick (grubber or chip kick) the ball in to touch and give the opposition a scrum feed. This is aimed at slowing down play, which gives the players a rest and allows them to set up a good defensive position.

Disciplinary sanctions

The standard disciplinary sanction in rugby league is the penalty. The referee may also award a penalty try, which is described in the section on scoring.

If a team that has been penalised commits another offence (often dissent against the referee's decision), the referee may advance the position of the penalty 10 metres towards the offending team's goal line, and may also sin bin (temporary expulsion) or send off (permanent expulsion) the offending player(s).

In Britain, the referee uses penalty cards to signal a sin-binning (yellow card) and a sending-off (red card). In games played in the southern hemisphere, the referee raises both arms straight out with fingers spread (to indicate 10 minutes) for a temporary expulsion and simply points sent-off players from the field of play.

See also



  1. ^ Fagan, Sean (2007). Dixon, Kim. ed. The rugby rebellion centenary edition: Pioneers of rugby league. Australia: RL1908. p. 393. ISBN 978-0-9757563-0-0. 
  2. ^ Collins, Tony (2010-09-04). "Field goals redux: the pedants are revolting...". Rugby Reloaded. Tony Collins. Archived from the original on 2011-03-29. Retrieved 2011-03-29. 
  3. ^ RLIF, 2004: 7
  4. ^ "Glossary of RL terms". Play. Rugby Football League. Archived from the original on 2010-03-22. Retrieved 21 March 2010. 
  5. ^
  6. ^ "Stats Insider: Grand Final by the numbers". (Australia: NRL.COM and Telstra Corporation Pty Ltd.). 28 September 2010. Retrieved 21 September 2010. 
  7. ^ RLIF, 2004: 5


External links

Further reading